Guest Contribution

It delights me to no end that my loved ones always think of me whenever they see the mangled carcass of some unlucky animal on the side of the road.  It delights me even more when they send me the photgraphic evidence of their devotion to my perverse hobby.

Aside from the highways of Mexico, cow road-kill is not especially abundant, thanks largely to the invention of barbed wire.  A cow is a large and rather sturday animal, and hitting one with any degree of velocity must be modestly painful to one's vehicle. 

Some day soon, I will re-post my story of "The Best Road Kill Ever" from the San Diablo Archives.  In the meantime, I present these two lovely shots from Western Australia, kindly forwarded by Mike and Devona.

Thanks for thinking of me - as if you could help it!

This one looks ready to blow!

Oh, how I adore rigor-mortis!

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